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Dermal Fillers

Hartwater offers a full range of injectable treatments with dermal fillers administered by  master aesthetic injector, Lindsey Burris, RN. As one of the leading injectors in Texas, Lindsey offers patients the assurance of receiving the highest quality of treatment available with personalized attention toward each patient's unique needs. ​


In administering injectable treatments, our primary objective is delivering natural results. Many of us will be familiar with the stereotype of "duck lips" or over-filled, bloated-looking faces—if that's what you're after, Hartwater isn't the place for you. We aim to never create results that appear artificial or unnatural; we believe that injectables should be used to enhance the patient's natural features and restore a more youthful appearance.


Dermal fillers are facial injection treatments used to help diminish wrinkles while restoring volume and fullness in the face and hands. There are several types of dermal fillers, one being hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps provide fullness and elasticity. As we age, hyaluronic acid diminishes, causing skin to lose volume while increasing the chances for wrinkles and folds to appear. HA fillers are injected into the treatment area(s) using an ultrafine needle to deliver volume to the tissue and create the desired aesthetic effect.




Treatment with fillers typically takes less than one hour (individual treatment times may vary). Generally, there is minimal downtime associated with treatment. After your treatment, you may experience side effects, such as swelling, redness, pain, bruising, headache, tenderness, lump formation, itching at the injection site and impaired hand function. These are typically mild in severity and normally last between 7 - 18 days depending on the treatment area. Swelling may be more likely in patients under 36 years, and bruising may be more likely in patients over 35 years. Schedule a consultation to discuss options to make you as comfortable as possible during the procedure.





Fillers can last anywhere from 6 to 18 months depending on the type of filler and treatment area. At your consultation your provider will discuss what types of fillers you may need and develop a customized treatment schedule.




There are several factors that figure into how much treatment will cost, including:


  • Number of treatment sessions needed

  • Amount of product used per session

  • Degree of necessary correction determined by you and your provider


Schedule a no-obligation consultation to determine what filler treatment is right for you.




Initial treatments are usually complete in one or two sessions, as needed. Depending on your individual body chemistry, you will work with your specialist to determine a maintenance schedule.




Dermal fillers should not be used by people who:


  • Are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 22 years of age

  • Have recently used drugs that thin the blood or prevent clotting

  • Have had previous bad allergies, particularly to microorganisms known as gram-positive bacteria

  • Have serious allergies to drugs that have previously required in-hospital treatment

  • Have bleeding disorders

  • Have a known allergy to lidocaine


If you are unsure whether or not you are a candidate for fillers schedule a consultation to discuss your individual medical history with an experienced medical provider.


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