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Melasma is a skin concern characterized by uneven pigmentation on the skin. Typically, this is a hormonal pigmentation, often seen after pregnancy but can affect anyone, even men. Once diagnosed, it is important to understand that melasma is unfortunately something you will have, but can be treated and controlled, first by understanding what triggers the condition and secondly, by developing an appropriate skin care regimen.​


If you have been diagnosed with melasma or believe you may have this condition, schedule a consultation to discuss what treatment program will be best for you. Typically, patients with melasma will be recommended a skin care protocol that will treat and help prevent symptoms of melasma.


In some cases, chemical peels may also be recommended as a treatment for melasma. Chemical peels work by

by effectively removing the damaged top layers of your skin to reveal healthy skin underneath. A combination of alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, TCA and retinol is applied to the skin and within 1-2 days your skin will begin to exfoliate and reveal smooth, even toned skin. The combination of acids in chemical peels differ and the strength of the peel used will be dependent on your provider and your specific goals. Typically, anywhere from 3-6 treatments is necessary to achieve the best results.


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